California Conference on Motor Behavior, Sport and Exercise Psychology
The California Conference on Motor Behavior, Sport and Exercise Psychology (CCMBSEP) aims to provide undergraduate and Master's level students the opportunity to develop their research presentation skills, receive feedback on on-going research, prepare for future graduate programs, and learn about applications of Motor Behavior, Sport and Exercise Psychology knowledge.
This conference will be free for all attendees and it will be hosted by California State University, Bakersfield on Saturday, March 6th, 2021. The conference will be entirely virtual (hosted using Zoom) and student-focused.
There will be one to two keynotes, a professional development workshop, and presentations.
There will be two types of presentations: Research Proposals and Research Results.
Research Proposals describe the background, rationale, design, methods, and anticipated results of a study that has not been completed yet (either not started or in progress). This is an opportunity to get feedback on a future or current research study.
Research Results describe the background, rationale, design, methods, analysis, results, and interpretation of results. This is an opportunity to share the results of a completed study.
Presentation Format: All presentations will be virtual, using Zoom. Presenters will have the ability to share their screen and show presentations in (e.g.) PowerPoint or Keynote. All presentations will be up to 10 minutes, with up to 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
If you are interested in presenting, please complete the following form by January 22nd, 2021.
To register for the conference, click
Conference Schedule
If you have any questions, please e-mail Dr. Zachary Zenko at zzenko@csub.edu.